Wednesday, October 6, 2010

all about multimedia : Download a free copy of Dreamweaver

The first thing every aspiring Web designer should do is download a free copy of Dreamweaver. This program, now in its ninth repetition, has become the most valuable and commonly used tool for many web designers worldwide. Familiarity with it is an essential ingredient of any summary designers, and Adobe makes it easy to acquire and learn to use the software.Reasons to download a free copy of Dreamweaver
If knowing that it is an industry standard is not enough, here are more reasons why the Dreamweaver is an important decision.Innovative Interface
Dreamweaver pioneered the "dual-view": The ability to see both the code of the HTML page and at the same time, a "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) screen that displays a version of what the code will make a web browser.
Another very useful tool interface is the "property inspector, a tiny cell window which displays the aspects and parameters of whatever item the cursor is placed. For example, if the index has selected an image, the property inspector will let the designer change the image size, file links to the additional links, labeled ALT, and many other properties. Click on a section of text, the designer controls the font size, type section, color, link ... okay in one place.
The sidebar also contains many useful tools, perhaps the most valuable "folders" view. What was originally an integrated File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client, which allowed the sites to be uploaded to the server that hosts the site at a keystroke. Like Dreamweaver has evolved, "files" view has become more powerful, but kept the basic functionality, and "command-shift-U" for uploaded files is now reflective of the generation of web designers.Compatibility with current Web Tech
Dreamweaver also has tried to keep up with both current trends and technologies web. As the digital media revolution hit, more ways to apply the pictures and video sites were available, including one click to create an entire web photo album from a list of images. This kind of integration has become even more useful, since Adobe bought the parent company of Dreamweaver, Macromedia. Now Dreamweaver has integration with Photoshop and Illustrator, two other industry standard design tools.
Within the area code Dreamweaver is updated as well - one of the first software design tools to incorporate Cascading Style Sheet tools in the toolbox, each new version adapted to recent developments in web technology. For example, when you download a free copy of Dreamweaver you can now get a "Spry" framework, which can be used to develop AJAX interfaces. AJAX is a key element for the Web 2.0 revolution.How to Get Free Dreamweaver
There are some minor hoops to jump through before you can actually download a free copy of Dreamweaver. Adobe asks you to create an account with them, which is not so much creating a spam trap as you think. Almost everyone in the field of web design or using a product from Adobe and former Macromedia, and all products are 30-day free trials available from the site. Moreover, when the product is tested and bought, it can be extended using additional free space available - but only through Adobe ID account.
Once the basic information is given - which is quite obviously set up to allow the marketing department to track who uses the product and how - will go directly to a download page. Select the version appropriate for your operating system and your language, click "Download", and your computer will start to download a relatively large (over 100 mb) file.
The period of 30 days of the trial would not start from the moment of decision, or even the time of installation, but rather from the time of launching the product on your computer. Once activated, however, is in full operation, something that other "free" downloads do not provide everything. Additionally, sites created with the trial version of Dreamweaver remain completely editable and functional even after the trial period is done.

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