Wednesday, October 6, 2010

all about multimedia : Dreamweaver Website Builder

You can download a trial version of Dreamweaver website builder software from the official Dreamweaver Benefits
When you use Dreamweaver to create Web pages, you'll usually end up with cleaner HTML code that displays your page almost perfectly in Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera. This efficient implementation not only makes it easier to build and manage your pages, but provides the tools to create:

    Tables *
    * Forms
    * CSS Styles
    Templates allow you to edit hundreds of pages with a click of your mouse
    * Jump menu
    * Score rollover
    * Album
Upgrades of software Adobe CS3 Deamweaver include:

    * CSS Tools
    * Components of Ajax to build dynamic user interfaces
    * Intelligent integration with other software from Adobe.
The development of a web page with Dreamweaver

   1. Create a file - Before you start to create web pages using Dreamweaver, start by creating a folder to keep all of your site. To do this, click the drop-down File menu and select New Folder. Once you create the folder, take the time to name. In general, it is acceptable to name files, web pages and images with text lowercase with no spaces or symbols, including !,-,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,)?,/,<,+ , =.

   1. Pictures Gallery - Open the folder you created in step one and create a new folder and name it images. This is where you record and save images imported and other images that you create for your website. As a matter of organizing your content is a good idea to create other types of subfolders as you need as well. These can include records for:

    * Music
    * Entertainment
    * Printable document files called PDFs

   1. Create Site "with your Dreamweaver - To do this, select the range of the tab menu, and then from the drop down menu, click New Site. Name the file your site. To do this, click the folder icon to the right of the label to the Local Root Folder. Move the cursor to the saved file location, click it and choose to say. Then select the destination. Dreamweaver helps you manage your site in the future may create the website and image files with this option as part of the site administrator.

   1. Create a blank page - To start developing your website, create a blank page from the drop-down menu by clicking New. A dialog box will open asking what kind of work you intend to do. Highlight Basic Page and HTML and click Create. The name of this file before you start. For example, if you intend to start your Home "the name of the index.html file, because the browsers Internet search for the index page. Save the file to your directory folder in your site.
You can access these files using your site administrator. Just go to the menu page and click on open space, and then chose the folder your site, which holds all your files and click on the file you want to know.

   1. Name your site - Now you have an index page (home page), it is time to call your website. Move your mouse inside the box title and give a greeting for your website. Now you can begin to enter information on your index page.
Creating Forms with Dreamweaver
Dreamwaver builder site provides an interactive portal to communicate with website visitors, easy to use forms. These formats do the give and take exchange of information is a positive experience on both ends of the experience. Add a table using Dreamweaver
To add a table to your website, click the Insert menu and then from the drop down menu select the table. A dialog box will open asking you about the table you want to add. It will give you options to create a list specifically for your needs including:

    * Number of rows
    * Number of columns
    * Fixed pixels
    * Options border

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