Wednesday, October 6, 2010

all about multimedia : Flash in FrontPage

Using Adobe Flash in FrontPage used to be unheard. In previous iterations of the two programs, the HTML that Flash used to embed "tapes" do not work well with FrontPage.
Newer versions of both programs and talented designers and programmers are calculated fast and easy way to integrate harmoniously with the proper flexibility of Flash with easy familiarity FrontPagePost Before posting
One of the difficulties in explaining the process lies in language. Most web designers used to use the word "publish" means to actually make the final files to the web server. However, the world of Adobe Flash, "publish" is the film Flash (or. SWF) which will then upload (or "left") to the web server. Technical file. Swf can not only view, so there are further steps to put it on the website.
First things first, however. Launch the Adobe Flash, a fla file open.

   1. Click File → Publish Settings "and select". Swf "and" HTML "formats.
   2. When you click "OK" will "publish" the editable file. Swf to the same directory as the original file. Fla.
   3. It also created the HTML file that would normally be simply uploaded to your server. However, when you use FrontPage to manage your site, there are a few more complications.
It should be noted that the generated HTML file refers to file swf -. It is an integral part. This means that if the designer needs to go back and modify the file. FLA, only. Swf "movie" file must be re-published (and then put on the server). The name of the file does not change the HTML, will still point to it.Flash Publishing Your FrontPage
One of the frustrating aspects of earlier versions of FrontPage was the way the code was created. Writing code is an art, and everyone does a little differently. FrontPage has been known to change the code that the designers wanted to maintain.
Fortunately, now there is a way around this so that the embedded code for the swf movie can be put in FrontPage by following these steps.:

   1. Find the section of code in Flash HTML between <object> <EMBED> and labels and to select and copy them.
   2. In FrontPage past programs of the 2002 version, simply paste the HTML at the FrontPage HTML and make sure the paths to all directories are correct. In FrontPage 2000 or 2002 is required to select "Import" from the file menu and use that option to determine what kind of code that insert (Extensive | HTML "in the former," Web Component | Advanced Control | HTML "in last).
   3. When the code is inserted, it will be processed using the View → Reveal Tags command in FrontPage. This lets you right-click the embedded. Swf (made between "WebBot" tags) and change things like size, modifying the "HTML Markup Properties." The toolbar FrontPage can also be used to reposition the film. In FrontPage 2003, right-click draw up a dialogue with the "Movie in the form of flash Properties" label, has both general and display options.
   4. Upload (publish) the FrontPage HTML along with the original. Swf (obviously with a renewed attention to the file paths.)
In the embodiment, be sure to know the other properties of the film to be prepared, as loop, autoplay, or menu option. Some of them may have to redefine itself in Flash before the film, but it is always a good idea to double check your work.Other ways to use Flash in FrontpageIn FrontPage 2003, Microsoft has acknowledged the penetration of Flash on the Internet and include the ability to simply let the program create the code itself. However, once the infamous Production Code whimsical FrontPage hit: the Flash movie will not play in Netscape. By manually adding <EMBED>

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