Monday, October 4, 2010

all about multimedia : Ideas for designing a website

Finding ideas for designing a site is as simple as figuring out how you want to convey information including your website. Locate a site or sites or a site that is similar to yours and see if there is a project that will like to use. Do not be shy about using different ideas from a number of areas to be combined onto yours. Below are some initial ideas that you can use by type of site you create or update.Personal
With more ideas for designing a site for personal sites, you can keep it simple. Even though friends and family will see this site (in the case of a photo album or a personalized blog), yet want something attractive enough to keep them on your page. Use a Web page WYSIWYG editor such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver. They want something that you can create a minimum period and that will allow you to update your site quickly.Photo Album Website
Here are some ideas you can use if you create a website with photos:

* Do not put too many photos on one page web. Break them up into categories and each category has a separate website.
* Identify the pictures. Who, what, where, when, and any funny anecdotes about the picture.
* Have a guest book available so people can leave comments. There are many sites gree guestbook available on the Internet. NetGuestbook is a site guestbook.
Blog Website
The blogs are a different breed of website, but there are some ideas to keep people coming back to read:

* Most blogs are text. Be sure to add relevant images to all your blogs.
* The average blog is about 300-400 words, because people do not want to take a long time looking at their computer screen. Use white space to keep your blog text to overcome it.
* Create a site search for your site. If your readers again, you may want to help them find information in your blogs easier. Google is a favorite addition to a website.
Businesses need web sites attract the attention of the customer, or just surfing. This is where you can be a bit flashy.

* Have the movie Flash introduction (less than a minute) about the history of your company, or something cool or different that you can offer. Make sure you give the user the option to Skip Intro.
* If you're selling something that people can buy the right of your page, make sure that the checkout process is smooth and easy. Invest in software basket that can be very intuitive. Ecommerce Templates offers software than can be incorporated into most of the large suites and web development projects with Google Checkout, Paypal, Worldpay, and more.
Creating a website fun? The biggest idea you can take is to make sure your site loads as quickly as possible. This means the organization of media rich content in an intelligent way so that users on your site, do not despair.

With a lot of pictures, starting with thumbnails and allows the user clicks on a thumbnail, if you want a larger picture.
* Do not play music automatically when you upload your website page on Facebook. Allow the user to choose whether to music with the built-in media player.
* The same goes for video, as it does for music. Do not start playing the video without leaving the user to decide when to play. Doing this is not a surefire way to drive people away from your web site.

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