Wednesday, October 6, 2010

all about multimedia : RSS Specifications

RSS is the standard Bible for any web designer wishing to implement the Really Simple Syndication in hir or website. The official definition of RSS is that it is a "Web content syndication format using a dialect of XML." What this means is that RSS is like email.RSS and delivering content
Think of content as something like a magazine. People can go to bookstores and pick up magazines, just as a person can go to a page in a browser to access a blog entry or some other regular content.
However, an easier way to get the magazines to be delivered at home. RSS is a way to have the content of this blog or podcast directly to your computer using a "feedreader» or some other program (like iTunes for podcasts). Every time the computer is connected to the Internet will go and find the latest version of the content. This is accomplished by accessing the file has been adapted to the RSS specification.The most basic standards RSS
Apart from having the file extension ". Rss," the minimum amount of information necessary for a document (or "channel") be "well designed" just three elements:

   1. This title is the name of the blog, podcast, or other syndicated content. "Goldfish and you, for example.
   2. Link This is the URL link for the site that corresponds to the contents:
   3. Description A simple phrase that describes the content of the channel: "Deep conversations between goldfish and human"
This is to complete a standards compliant RSS channel.Optional items Channel
There are many other factors, however, that can go into a document RSS, which provides the feedreader and the end user with [[Meta Tag Optimization Service | useful information] as

    * Language
    * Copyright
    * Webmaster
    * Date of Publication
    * Category
... And much more. However, by far the most commonly used element in any document following the RSS specification is <item> item.Items created in RSS SpecificationsThe <item> element is the meat and potatoes of the document RSS. Each element is a new piece of content - a new entry blog, a new video, a new podcast - and the individual elements describe the content and how the same or different from the previous item.
As the data channel, the element has only a couple of types of mandatory information: title and description. Everything else, while optional, should be included if possible.

    * This title is clear, something like "Blog Entry 239" or "Pandas Use Chopsticks."
    * The connection URL to find the object itself (not the entire channel, only the item)
    Description * The only other essential element of a <item>, this should be a brief phrase or sentence.
    * Email author usually is not the name.
    Category * To divide and meta tag information, the categories can be assigned.
    * Comments link to a forum or bulletin board for commenting on the same subject by other users.
    * Fencing - This is a specific description of the object, often with media features for audio or video.
    * Guid A URL such as "link" above that the labels clearly <item>
    * Pubdate The date on which <item> was published.
    * Source - again the channel, where <item> became part of the feed.
One of the advantages of using RSS and <item> tags that can accommodate a wide range of media - from images to audio and video files, and of course plain text as well. This made the usual manner for delivery of the social revolution of the media.The future of RSS
RSS has the unusual distinction of being declared perfect, so it is. It is an open source project, but remained frozen at version 2.01 just because he does what is designed to do, and do it well. Other forms of syndicated content is also growing, but RSS has become something of a model. It was certainly a necessary skill in the competitive market of web design today

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