Wednesday, October 6, 2010

all about multimedia : Get Javascript on my computer

"How can I download the JavaScript on my computer?" At some point, either you or someone you know may ask this question. Try to be patient; Even if the question does not make sense, provide an opportunity to learn.No assembly required
The problem with this issue lies in the fact that JavaScript is not an 'independent' effect - rather, it is a coding method which increases the interaction of a site, providing client-side operations before the user sees the page. This code is the website that the owners of sites available on the server; Taking as part of the HTML document "request" through your web browser.In other words, you have to do to download JavaScript "on your computer is to open a web page has JavaScript in it and make sure your browser is enabled for the execution of Javascript. The web designer (or project) has created, or somewhere in the head or the body of the page, a code that starts with a <! - And ends with --!>. This is where the lives of JavaScript, separate from all "normal" HyperText Markup Language (aka HTML).Keeping your computer safe
There is a very good reason for this separation of JavaScript from HTML. HTML is a static, making the language, and just as the name indicates, is designed to "markup" text (or tell the computer that the text should be bold, larger, italic, etc.). The point is, does virtually nothing with the data, except affect his appearance - there is no real computing power needed.
JavaScript, however, is a computer language. It is designed to take the variables, manipulate them, and then output the results. Unlike server-side scripts, which make the computer work before the page gets to your computer using JavaScript energy of your computer to do the job. This use of your computer is meant to be good, of course - unless it is not. Unscrupulous coders using JavaScript to prey unshielded browsers and computers to spread viruses and malware and cause many other problems. Users of Microsoft Internet Explorer is particularly vulnerable.Turn It OffFor this reason, many security experts recommend web to disable JavaScript entirely. In fact, it's such a common task that almost all browsers, it is very easy to disable Javascript in the settings. This does not harm your computer at all; He says just the browser to ignore all the things that happen between the tags <- - and!>.
This obviously eliminates many of the features of some websites, such as stock tickers and other up-to-date, real-time parts of a website. However, it also has annoying pop-ups, phishing schemes and other competing scenarios from gaining a place on your computer. Most developers make sure their sites can still communicate the message you want if JavaScript is enabled or not; Others put the interactive parts to other types of interactivity, such as CSS, AJAX, Flash, and widgets."No need to download the JavaScript on my computer!"
Before this thought makes you very relieved, keep in mind that, although things like ActiveX and Flash are safer than JavaScript, they really require you to download plug-ins and additional applications. In this respect, as hackers find new ways to get your computer, there are always updated versions of browsers, security patches, service pack, and many others that need to be downloaded. Most computers have OS update notification programs that let you know when updates are necessary; But it deserves to be careful and vigilant.
Most times, you will not even know (or should know) when you download some JavaScript on your computer. The best websites simply work without having to worry about "how". Just enjoy the internet for what it is, a large reservoir of information, entertainment, and people connecting with people

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