Wednesday, October 6, 2010

All about multimedia : Free Web Counter

Free counter web site is a very useful tool for website owners to track the simplest type of statistical web could want - page views. It is extremely useful to know the number of times a particular page is displayed. This feedback provides important information for the website designer for popular pages, and in some cases more specific details for each visitor, such as geographic location and use the operating system.Basic information on Free Web Page Counters
There are many free things in life, but counters website is in fact one of them. Some companies provide this service for free for several reasons, including:

* The meter is free for a limited trial period.
* It is available with maximum daily traffic.
* The treatment is based on a "mouse" movement from the site.
In other words, there are many reasons for companies to offer free web counters, and very few reasons not to use one.Choosing a Top Web Counter
There are a wide variety of tickets in all shapes, sizes and colors. The key to choosing the right counter for your website is not just the fact that it is free, but his gaze from the bench if not in style and color of the screen itself to suit the overall layout and style of the your site.
Apart from the look of the bench, there are several features to consider when choosing a free counter. Each type of set-up will affect the ease of installation, reliability of the meter, and ease of configuration.Information Counters can provide
While there are very simple objects that reveal just how many times a particular Web page is loaded, there are also many that provide more detailed information about each user, such as:

1. Geographical location
2. Operating system
3. Web Browser Information
4. Date and time of visit
The meters have this additional functionality is often called "trackers" as watching a certain amount of user data.Types of Meters Site
There are many types of cash site. How to set up and operation depends largely on the type you choose.Hosted Counters
A hosted meter is one where the script keeps a count of visitors is stored and run on a web server, in addition to a website you run. This allows you to simply cut-and-paste the HTML text provided by the service counter on your website and the meter is up and working immediately.
The disadvantages of using hosted meter is that if the other web server hosting the meter goes down or is unreliable, your meter will not work correctly. Most free counters score variety.
Some examples include:

* Dayana Meter
* Extreme Tracking
* Sitemeter
* StatCounter
Stand-Alone Counterswebsite counterAlone meters are scripts software installed on the same server web, such as the page that your site runs from. This set-up ensures that both your web server is up, free webpage counters will work. This setting will allow you to adjust the meter, however you want, and can generally be used to reverse any page on your website.
The drawback to using a separate counter that can be more complicated to configure, and web designer should have access to the CGI-BIN scripting site web server.

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