Monday, October 4, 2010

all about multimedia : How to design a Web page

Today's web tools make it easier to learn how to design a website with little to no effort. In fact, knowing HTML or other web coding is not even necessary. Web authors have revolutionized the way the pages are designed and even has streamlined the process this way.Web Design Information Page
While creating a website requires knowing how to put components together, the design actually creates what the page will look like. Design elements include:

* Colors: Choose from more than 150 colors that will enhance your page
* Sources: The style and size of text
* Pictures and graphics: Photographs, clipart, maps, charts or diagrams used to add visual elements on a Web
* Audio and Video: Movie clips, music, voice overs and other sounds
* Chassis: feature that allows the browser to divide the page into two or more parts
* Tables: The code that creates jobs on the website; It contains data in rows and columns
* Links: graphic or text that lets you connect to another web page or website
Your goal is to take these elements and make the page visually appealing and easy to navigate. You also want to present the information in a format that is user friendly with pictures that are sharp and related to the topic of this page. If you are placing ads on your pages, be sure not overpower your content online, as it may deter people from visiting your site.
There are no fixed rules when it comes to designing a website. The best way would be to try a few different designs until you find one that suits your needs. If you are still clueless as to what you want your page to look like, search for sites that are similar to yours. This will give you ideas about what your competition is doing and how users are responding to it. The higher the ranking in search engines, most of the hits these pages receive.Tools for Web Design
To create your website, there are some tools to help streamline the process.Internet Browser
While there are many browsers from which to choose, for website design, Mozilla Firefox can be your best choice, because the toolbar of the web developer. Features include:

* Compatible with Windows, Mac or Linux
* Ability to resize the pages at different resolutions
* Disable images
* Develop Cascading Style Sheets
* Develop real-time
Editors and Website Builders
Site builders and editors are available for those at all levels of expertise on web design. These include:

* Authors HTML: Software applications that provide simple alternatives to writing your own code. Editors include text, object and WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get).
* Builders Site: Most of them are drag-and-drop programs that let you quickly format text and images in your web page. HTML or other coding experience is not necessary, and most hosting companies offer some sort of site builder when buying a hosting package.
Tips on how to design a website
Once you have secured your domain name and web hosting company, familiarize yourself with the website builder or editor to use. Remember, empty your web site palette of your tools are your brushes: Design away! However, here are some tips to make your job a little easier:

* Choose your color scheme and stick to it. Too many colors are hard on the eyes.
* If you are unsure about using HTML, then use a template or web page builder.
* Make your page a user-friendly and easy to navigate.
* Do not overdo it with graphics and special effects; Too many will be too and that was to cause the page to load slower.
* Choose a background that is pleasing to the eyes and does not overpower your web content.
* External links should open in new windows.
* If you plan to have many pages (over 10-15), use a site map

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