Monday, October 11, 2010

All about multimedia : Graphic Design is Important Why

Many people are struggling to come up with a company logo or a well designed website header image and quickly understand why graphic design, is important. Graphic design artists take a message or idea you want to experience and become a Firefighter Web Graphics |a picture or artwork that represents the company or your product.Understand Why Graphic Design is Important
It is not always obvious to many Web Developers because graphic design, it is important to the Internet. However, if you ever try to come up with decent pictures or graphics on your site, how do you know how hard it can be. When you try to browse and download free web art and free graphics are usually low quality and do not create the professional image you want to convey. LoveToKnow Web-Design recently sat down with Donna Hunter, a professional graphic design based in Limington, ME. Donna graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, and spent the next 24 years developing some of the highest quality designs and graphics for businesses and organizations.Starting in Graphic Design
LTK: How did you get into the field of graphic design and how long have you worked?
DH: I was fortunate to have had early exposure as Graphic Design Agency of my father was at home. I use to observe how art directors and designers have developed award-winning concepts and campaigns, and tried to learn from them. Some time will allow me to assist in a project that I wanted to do. After graduating with a degree from the Rhode Island School of Design, I went professional in 1985. I just did the math on this and have already passed 24 years
LTK: Do you think the field of graphic design has changed significantly since the Internet became popular?
DH: The tools have changed, but basic concepts still hold true. Now, so many people are trained only digital (compared with traditional / pre-computer) and often tend to leave their tools to control, rather than honor clean basic design patterns that have been around since way before the beginning of the pixel. The Internet as a communication medium has certainly changed delivery, and the user interacts differently than the print media. But the overall creative process and methods should never take a second place as fancy Web software is loaded on your hard disk. Planning use to be such a relief, almost craft-like experience. "Tap, tap, click, click" simply do not have the same grace as a hand sketch concept. But you'd be hard pressed to give up my Mac and the Internet!Develop interesting projects
LTK: There are some software tools that you consider critical in the development of your plans DH:? Tools are tools and adapt to changing times. I have a love-hate relationship with technology, but it would be foolish to ignore the fact that I must have the latest and highest quality professional graphics software to be productive and competitive. We rely, and love, the Adobe Creative Suite ... the industry standard.
LTK: How come with unique ideas - is difficult, or perhaps usually include many ideas from the customer?
DH: If you really do your research and analyze the client's industry, many times the ideas that emerge almost all by themselves, through sheer logic. I often see what their competitors do ... and do the opposite. They can not just fade in with the masses, should look unique. Definitely always consider the client's ideas, but I can quickly discern between the concepts that will or will not be effective, and try to lead them in a clearer direction. Some projects may be collaborative, but the concepts are often fresher and if you come to me with absolutely no idea what they want.
LTK: When a client comes to you for a logo for their business but not sure what they want, how to help them arrive at a suitable logo for the company to?
DH: Like the above answer in a way ... studying the competition, you can get some pretty solid answers as to what works and what does not. I see so many designers take the design through books, magazines and the Internet looking for ideas ... This is just wrong. It must come from your own critical thinking .... your creative Noggin.The Value Place in Graphic Design Project
LTK: What kind of projects you like best - designing the website, print advertisements or any other kind of job DH: I'm mostly a designer print, and I must say I like the logo design and corporate identity work the best. But it's all good! I'm just as content working in an advertisement for a small local company, as I am in a high-end color piece of collateral. I've worked on some web design but need more training to actually be able to produce anything. Someone tried to teach me HTML / CSS coding and I almost broke out in hives kidding of course ... I just do not have the head or heart of a programmer. But with that said, if anyone reading this wants to be my teacher in Adobe Dreamweaver, would generously compensate

 What do you think trained designers bring a project design web pages that designers probably missing?
DH: There are some incredible Web Designers out there who obviously was well trained in the foundations of Graphic Design ... but there are also many hacks design. With all the online tools and programming knowledge does not Designer. The Visual crime scenes everywhere, and the Internet is just another layer. There is just no substitute for good education, solid creative thinking and take responsibility for clear and effective communication.