Wednesday, October 6, 2010

all about multimedia :Download Free Web Graphics

We all want the Internet to be free, and the ability to download free web graphics are not an exception. While it is certainly easy to create images using programs such as Photoshop, the ability to create good images is not so common - and the standards of web design to get higher every day, it is wrong to simply throw up looking unprofessional pictures.How not to download Free Web Graphics
Although Picasso might have said that bad artists copy and good artists steal, the fact is that is illegal, since it is easy to copy just the images of people away from a website. In most cases it is as easy as "→ right click save as" and the image is downloaded to your hard disk.
The fact is, however, is illegal. Each image has created intellectual property that belongs to the person who created it (or their organization). Even if the image does not say specifically "intellectual property" is implicitly there - and therefore the image can not be used without permission, anywhere, for any reason other than fair use (usually for the purpose of the review, satire , and some other very specific exceptions).
So the easiest way to download free web graphics are exactly the way you will not need to download free web graphics. Fortunately, there are other resources.Magnet Clip Art Pages
Doing a search on Google for "free download graphics web" you'll get thousands of hits - most of proclaiming "the best source for free graphics" or similar, and most of them are actually truth in advertising: they have vast libraries of graphics web, and is technically free. But how could someone just afford to give away high-quality graphics web;
It is true that sometimes there is the perfect graphics for your project are hiding there in the quagmire of poor design and advertising. Usually, however, the time and effort to find it makes it more expensive than it is worth in ways other than monetary.Microsoft to the Rescue
Fortunately, there are other more reliable resources to download free graphic web, such Clipart Microsoft Office Online and Media home. While still does feature some of the advertising for both Microsoft and some partners, such as Fotolia and iStockphoto, the site also contains thousands of pictures and graphics can be used on a website with the same ease that can be used in a Word document .
Even better, when they say "high quality" means: Most images are downloadable at 150 dpi or better, which means they can easily be scaled up or down, depending on the needs of your web design. Best of all, images are all licensed to be used for anything - business, personal, non-profit - and so there are no rights to be bought or worried.
The site also contains links to other resources like iStockphoto. This website is designed to sell photographs and graphics, and is certainly one of the best on the web (full disclosure: The author uses iStockphoto regularly to show articles and blogs). But one feature of the site is a regularly rotating "free image" - a very high image quality that is given away. Just visit the site regularly - and others such as Fotolia, which also offer similar features - allowing you to download free web graphics to your portfolio is full

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